Why TBinfo?

TBinfo is designed by a team of programmers with the goal of educating people on Tuberculosis (TB). The reason for this domain selection is due to the heavy numbers of Tuberculosis patients found in Malaysia’s statistics. Moreover, the team wishes to push awareness on TB to the users by designing a simple visual test which tackles their understanding and likeness on TB disease.

The team

TBinfo consists of 4 members. The whole project is led by Cheong Li Xian Alicia. The programming of this project was led by Soo Yong Jie with the assistance of Wong Kin Ming. Moreover, the documentation on this project was overseen and led by the leader with great assistance from Puah Jia Yee and Wong Kin Ming.

Roles and Responsibilities

Name: Cheong Li Xian Alicia

Roles: Team leader, Lead Documenter, Analyst


  • Allocate work to team members
  • Oversee the project progress
  • Responsible for documentation work

Name: Phua Jia Yee

Roles: Assistant Documenter, Programmer


  • Managers Taiga.io
  • Assisting with documentation
  • Assisting with certain back-end programming

Name: Soo Yong Jie

Roles: Lead Designer, Lead Programmer, Lead Analyst


  • Responsible for both front and back end of the web application
  • Carries out system testing
  • Designing the user interface

Name: Wong Kin Ming

Roles: Assistant Programmer, Assistant Documenter, Analyst


  • Assisting with front and back end programming
  • Assisting with designing user interface
  • Assisting with documentation